Field Trips & Camps

Sproul Lanes specializes in kids FUN! We pride ourselves in being a secure kid friendly location that can accommodate all types of youth groups and sizes.

We are happy to personally work with you and your group to create a fun and memorable event!

You’re invited to an afternoon of bowling fun!

We are happy to personally work with your group to create a fun and memorable event.
For more information and to schedule your event please call 610-544-4524 ext. 2

School/Daycare Field Trip
Free shoe rentals
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00pm
$4.00 per person per game

Monday: 11:30am - 10pm
Tuesday: 9am - 10pm
Wednesday: 9am - 11pm
Thursday: 9am - 12am
Friday: 9am - 11pm
Saturday: 11:30am - 11pm
Sunday: 8:30am - 10:00pm


Please note that we may have leagues during these times.
Visit our Homepage for Open Bowling Hours. 

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